[a]Now I say, that Jesus Christ was a minister of the [b]circumcision, for the [c]truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers.

[d]And let the Gentiles praise God, for his mercy, as it is written, (A)For this cause I will [e]confess thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy Name.

10 And again he saith, (B)Rejoice, ye Gentiles with his people.

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  1. Romans 15:8 An applying of the example of Christ to the Jews, whom he vouchsafed this honor for the promises which he made unto their fathers, although they were never so unworthy, that he executed the office of a minister amongst them with marvelous patience. Therefore much less ought the Gentiles despise them for certain faults, whom the Son of God so much esteemed.
  2. Romans 15:8 Of the circumcised Jews, for as long as he lived, he never went out of their quarters.
  3. Romans 15:8 That God might be seen to be true.
  4. Romans 15:9 An applying of the same to the Gentiles, whom also the Lord of his incomprehensible goodness had regard of, so that they are not to be condemned of the Jews as strangers.
  5. Romans 15:9 I will openly profess, and set forth thy Name.

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